I'm more than just a purty face you know

Hi. I just wanted to let whoever reads this know that I'm more than just a purty face, and more than just a stencil guy. I do websites too.

My most recent project has been the Garden City Downtown Development Authority's website. Take a look at it if the spirit is in you. Also, if you know anyone who needs a website done, just let me know. Email me. Call me. Send a carrier pidgeon. Smoke signals. Bottled message down a river. Bat signal. Banner behind a crop duster. Sky writer. APB. Notes under windshield wipers. Sticky notes on my back. Morse code. Bullhorn. Singing telegram. Serenade at my window in the moonlight. Write me a song, get a record deal, get that song played on the radio and I'll know what you mean as I drive down lonely roads with diamonds on my windshield. Write a message in the sand with a stick. Spray paint a dog with "I need a website" on his side and sic him on me. Carve it in a tree with a heart around it.

Whatever the method, let me know if you need a website. I need a frickin' job.

Cheers, Matt

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